ISS Pre- and Post-doctoral Associates

Our pre- and post-doctoral associates use their time on campus to conduct original research and write manuscripts for publication, focused on international affairs and the conduct of statecraft, diplomacy, and grand strategy. 

Maryum Alam Thumbnail
Maryum Alam
Maryum Alam is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at …
Caitlin Barker Thumbnail
Caitlin Barker
Caitlin Barker is a Brady-Johnson Predoctoral Fellow at Yale University's …
Sean Case Thumbnail
Sean Case
Sean Case is a Henry A. Kissinger Visiting Scholars Postdoctoral …
Daniel Chardell Thumbnail
Daniel Chardell
Daniel Chardell is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow in …
Charles Fawell Thumbnail
Charles Fawell
Charles Bégué Fawell is a historian of European imperialism in …
Jack Guenther Thumbnail
Jack Guenther
Jack H. Guenther is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow …
Aden Knaap Thumbnail
Aden Knaap
Aden Knaap is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow at …
Nataliia Laas Thumbnail
Nataliia Laas
Nataliia Laas is a Henry Chauncey Jr.’57 Postdoctoral Fellow at …
Ruoyu Li Thumbnail
Ruoyu Li
Ruoyu Li is the Henry A. Kissinger Predoctoral Fellow at …
Artur Pericles Lima Monteiro Thumbnail
Artur Pericles Lima Monteiro
Artur Pericles is a Lecturer in Global Affairs and the …
Zaynab Quadri Thumbnail
Zaynab Quadri
Zaynab Quadri is a Henry Chauncey Jr. '57 Postdoctoral Fellow …
Mattie Webb Thumbnail
Mattie Webb
Mattie Webb is a Kissinger Visiting Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow with …