Use the sitemap below to find the page you’re looking for.
- About
- About Jackson
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- From the Dean
- Jackson School Campus
- Life at Yale
- Meet Us
- Alumni
- Alumni Profiles
- A Blackhawk Pilot Digs into Global Affairs (and Climbs Army Ranks)
- Against all Odds: Jackson Alum Aims to Reform Politics in Brazil
- Alumni essay: A new leadership role
- At the Heart of Humanitarian Work
- Better Together
- For Service, Not Glory
- Global Connections
- Navigating Uncharted Territory
- Pursuing A Lifelong Passion for Public Service
- Rock Solid
- Sharing More Than a Border
- Alumni Q & A
- Alumni Q&A
- Alumni Q&A
- Alumni Q&A
- Alumni Q&A
- Alumni Q&A | Yale College grads
- Overview
- Alumni Profiles
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- Graduate Students
- Greenberg World Fellows
- Senior Fellows
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- Alumni
- Overview
- School History
- Start Exploring New Haven
- Yale
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- Academic Calendar
- Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy
- Five-year B.A.-B.S./M.P.P.
- Global Health Studies
- About the Program
- Advisory Board — Global Health
- Advocates-in-Residence Program
- Affiliated Faculty – Global Health
- Climate Change and Health Adaptation in the Eastern Caribbean
- Contact Us
- Core Teaching Faculty
- Drugs, Sex and Policy
- Embodying Social Injustice
- Global Health Events
- Global Health Scholars
- Global Health Studies Competencies
- Global Health Studies Program Requirements
- Global Health Studies Steering Committee
- How to Apply — Global Health Scholars
- Radical Deprivation on Trial
- Student-led Research
- The Judicialization of the Right to Health in Brazil
- Human Rights Certificate
- Joint Degrees
- M.P.P.
- Overview
- Registrar
- The Global Affairs Major
- Admissions
- Africa Security Conference
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- Alumni 2025
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- Recipes for Resilience: Rethinking Food Security from the Local to the Global
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- The Deitz Family Initiative on Environment and Global Affairs
- The Jackson McLarty Summer Series on Global Leadership
- The Kurds in the Middle East
- The Power of Protest: Human Rights at Home and Abroad
- Virtual & Recorded Events
- Virtual Discussion Forum Series
- Virtual Fall Visit Day
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- Nuclear Security Program Faculty
Posts by category
- Category: AcademicWorkshopEvent
- Category: Alumni
- Category: Alumni Events
- Category: Alumni News
- Category: Alumni Stories
- Category: BA program
- How the U.S. and Qatar are Working Together on AI and Tech
- Empowering Bahrain’s Technological Ecosystem Under C-SIPA
- Promoting U.S. Tech Cooperation in the Middle East
- Improving Economic Outcomes and Security in the Peruvian Amazon
- Improving Humanitarian Aid to Refugee Settlements
- The Impacts of Sanctions on Humanitarian Assistance: Bringing Data into the Conversation
- Category: BA_admissionsevents
- Category: Capstone Course
- Category: Summer Experience
- Category: Blue Center
- Category: Community
- Schmidt trip to D.C. teaches students to ‘be first, be fast’ in AI
- The Nordic Welfare State Model’s Migration Conundrum
- Building Sustainable Migration Management Frameworks in the Global South
- Examining Strategies for Politics and Protest of the American Labor Movement in Defense Manufacturing
- Inaugurating a New Dialogue in Times of Transformation and Conflict
- Engaging Men and Boys in Feminist and Anti-violence Work
- African Diplomacy in an Emerging Great Power Competition
- What is ‘the Taiwanese Perspective?’
- Understanding How International Law Addresses Political Violence and Human Rights Offenses
- Exchanging Dialogue on Effective Leadership
- 80,000+ Vaccinated in Rural Bihar through Vaccination Drive
- What Will It Take to Decolonize Coffee and Cocoa?
- Inspired by History Course, Jackson Student Takes to the Seas
- Creating a working economy for all, with Black women at the center
- Leadership in the Epidemic
- Research on Water Infrastructure Offers Insight on Sustainable Development
- Why Choose Global Affairs?
- Kerry Fellows Program Offers Front Row Seat on Public Policy Deliberations
- Sharing Ideas for a Brighter, More Innovative Future
- Taking Classes “Outside” of Jackson
- Jackson Salon Provides Forum for Discussion
- Taking the Reigns of the Yale Journal of International Affairs
- Researching Institutional Reform in Kurdistan
- Land Restoration and Food Security in Ethiopia
- A Night of Syrian Cooking, Food, and Conversation
- Fall 2018 Capstone Projects Unveiled
- Policy Competition Challenges Undergraduates to Solve Real-World Problems
- Investigating Environmental Protection in Patagonia
- Jackson Students Work to Redefine Refugee Resettlement “Success”
- Jackson’s Greatest Strength Lies Beyond the Classroom
- Why Choose Global Affairs?
- Transforming the Financial Services Landscape
- Revisiting East Asian Security
- ‘Jackson Women’ Group Hosts Alumni in NYC
- Jackson unveils capstone projects for Fall 2017
- A Wine and Insect Affair
- Jackson Welcomes Admitted Students to Campus
- Confronting Unconscious Bias at Leadership Workshop
- Worlds Collide at Annual Jackson Forum
- Admitted Students Day
- Category: Development
- Category: Environment
- Category: Faculty Research
- Category: Future of Jackson
- Category: General
- Category: GHS events
- Category: Global Health
- Category: Grand Strategy
- Category: GS events
- Category: Human Rights
- Category: ILC
- Category: ILC events
- Category: International Law
- Category: ISS
- Category: Schmidt
- Category: Johnson Center
- Category: JohnsonCenterEvents
- Category: Kerry Initiative
- Category: Leadership
- Category: MA program
- German Israeli Sustainability Dialogue
- An Exhilarating and Enlightening Endeavor
- Realigning America’s Strategy Toward Korea
- Researching Educational Outcomes in India
- Brookings and D.C.
- Summer at the Point
- Young Leaders’ Forum Offers Chance to Build Bridges
- Exploring Energy Production in Pennsylvania
- Category: MPP Program
- Category: MPP news
- Category: Peacebuilding Initiative
- Category: PBI events
- Category: Schmidt Program
- Category: SchmidtAIevents
- Category: Senior Fellows
- Category: Social Innovation
- Category: Virtual Events
- Do I need to provide international transcript credential evaluations for my application?
- Can I defer an offer of admission to a later date?
- What does the application process entail?
- Should I apply?
- What do you do in the Grand Strategy class?
- What is the Grand Strategy Program?
- Who is involved with the program (i.e. professors/alumni/current students)?
- I am a high school student applying to Yale and I am interested in the Global Affairs major at Jackson. Who can I talk to?
- My uploaded transcript already indicates the award of the baccalaureate or advanced degree. If I am admitted do I have to send another final transcript?
- I am not able to upload a copy of my transcript. May I send it to you via e-mail or upload a self-prepared transcript?
- Should I send in, or have sent in, an official transcript in support of my application?
- My academic record from my institution’s SIS Portal has an error in a course grade. Can I correct this error?
- The academic record I have from my school SIS Portal does not contain the name of my school nor does it have a transcript legend. Is that a problem?
- Fall term grades are now available. How can I report them to you?
- My transcript has been evaluated by a credential evaluation service. Can that evaluation be uploaded in lieu of my transcript?
- May I upload a diploma or certificate of achievement or other non-academic record document?
- My institution does not issue a traditional transcript or a record of my academic performance reflecting courses, credits, and grades. What should I do?
- My institution sends transcripts electronically. Are you able to accept them?
- What does final official transcript mean?
- What does unofficial transcript mean?
- What kind of transcript do I need to submit with my application?
- Where should I send my official transcript?
- Will you accept the TOEFL Essentials, TOEFL ITP Plus for China, or the IELTS Indicator?
- Even though it is optional, I have decided to submit my GRE scores. Will I be asked to submit official test results?
- May I submit my application before I have taken the required tests?
- My official test scores are missing from my application checklist. What is wrong?
- I am not able to take a required test before the application deadline. What should I do?
- If I took a required examination, but my test score has expired, what should I do?
- My scores will expire before I am ready to submit my application. What should I do?
- Is there a minimum GRE score required for admission?
- I applied by December 1 to receive the application fee waiver, do my recommendations and test scores have to also be submitted by December 1?
- One of my recommenders did not receive an email or is having trouble accessing the online recommendation system. What should they do?
- I have been out of school for some time. May my recommenders be those who can attest to my professional work?
- Will Yale Jackson accept letters of recommendation from a dossier service such as Interfolio?
- I started an application last year and requested letters of recommendation that were submitted. I did not, however, submit my application. Can those letters be attached to the new application I will be preparing for this coming year?
- One of my recommenders wishes to submit the recommendation for me in paper form only. Is that OK?
- How many recommendation letters are required?
- How does the recommendation process work?
- How do I apply for a visa?
- Many of my application materials are not in English. What should I do?
- I am an international applicant. Are there different application requirements for me?
- I am having difficulty uploading supplemental materials. What should I do?
- How do I check the status of my application to see if my letters of recommendation and/or standardized test scores have been received by your office?
- I need to revise my statement of purpose, resume or supplemental materials but have already submitted my application. What should I do?
- How do I convert my GPA?
- I have created a duplicate application/account. How can I delete it?
- I need technical support with the application.
- I am unable to access or load the application website. What can I do?
- I am reapplying. What do I need to do?
- I am an international student, am I eligible for funding from Jackson?
- I am a native English speaker and do not speak a second language. How can I meet the foreign language proficiency that is part of the graduation requirement?
- I was not offered admission and want to speak to someone about this. Whom do I contact?
- I was not offered admission and want to re-apply next year. Does the Admissions Office retain my application and supplemental materials?
- Due to the impact of COVID-19, will you accept remote- or home-based versions of the GRE and/or TOEFL?
- Do I need to upload a transcript from my study abroad program?
- Do I need to have a bachelor's degree to enroll at Jackson?
- Do I have to upload both the non-English and English translated transcript?
- Can recommendations arrive after the deadline?
- Can I withdraw my application?
- Can I submit supplemental materials before I submit my application?
- Can I enroll in the spring semester?
- Can I delete a recommender?
- I was offered admission. How do I respond to the offer?
- How will I receive an official decision notification about my application for admission?
- Can I apply to more than one program at Jackson?
- Can I add a recommender after I submit my application?
- I am currently an undergraduate student, may I still apply?
- What if I have another question not included here?
- If my application is not accepted, what can I do?
- If my application is accepted, what do I need to do?
- My recommender is not from Yale. What can I do?
- Is an unofficial transcript acceptable for the application?
- Can I ask a research mentor, my lab’s principal investigator, or a teaching fellow to be my recommender?
- If I missed the deadline, can I still apply?
- Where do I find the application?
- Which competencies do I meet through my major?
- If I am a double major, do I still need to take four non-overlapping electives?
- Can I change which competencies I count a particular course toward?
- Can I use study abroad courses to count toward competency areas?
- Can I take a class Credit/D/Fail and count it for the competency area?
- If I have already taken courses listed on the recommended course list before being accepted to the program, can I count them toward the competency areas?
- Can one course count for two competencies?
- How do I know if a course I’d like to take meets a certain competency area?
- For the competency areas, do I need to meet all six?
- What are global health competencies?
- I’m interested in global health. How can I learn more about the Global Health Studies Program?
- Can I declare any major and still apply to the program?
- What are the Global Health Studies Program requirements?
- Can I study abroad while in the GHS MAP?
- When is the information session?
- Will the Jackson admissions committee take into account academic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Does Jackson Admissions offer webinars?
- I have additional questions. What’s the best way to get in touch?
- I’d like to connect with Admissions. What options are available?
- Can the GRE requirement be waived?
- If I am applying to a joint degree, do I still need to submit GRE scores?
- Are there opportunities to earn money during the academic year?
- How do I apply for the fellowships listed on the Jackson website?
- How long does it take to complete a joint degree?
- How do I do a joint degree?
- Am I limited to taking Jackson courses for the remainder of the program?
- If I have a Master’s degree that was conducted in English, would that exempt me from the TOEFL/IELTS/Cambridge requirement?
- Can I take the GRE and submit official test scores after the deadline?
- Can I submit more than one GRE score? Will the admissions committee consider only the highest score in that case?
- How can I apply for an application fee waiver, if I meet the eligibility requirements?
- Where can I find further information on how to prepare and submit my application?
- How do I demonstrate that I am already proficient in a foreign language?
- Do you recommend submitting more than three letters of recommendation?
- When is the deadline for submitting applications?
- Are core courses required as part of the M.P.P. program?
- Are there core courses for the M.A.S. program?
- Is distance or Internet-learning an option?
- Does Jackson require the GRE for the M.A.S. program?
- What is the possibility of receiving a scholarship?
- When are admission decisions announced?
- Do I have to speak a second language to apply?
- Does Latin count as a language for the Global Affairs proficiency requirement?
- What if I want to keep my faculty adviser who teaches in Global Affairs?
- Does the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education have to sign my schedule?
- If I have tested out of one or both introductory economics courses, is the course requirement waived? Which courses should be taken in place of those requirements?
- Can classes from my study abroad program count towards the major?
- What should I do in the summer before my Senior year?
- Do courses I completed prior to being admitted to the major count as track electives?
- Does being a Global Affairs major guarantee me a spot in any/all courses taught by Jackson Senior Fellows?
- Can classes taken toward another major count towards Global Affairs?
- When will I know what classes count towards the major when I am selecting my courses?
- Can my class in _____ count as the core course in development or international security?
- Can my class in _____ count as an elective?
- How many courses can be taken credit/d/fail toward the major’s requirements?
- Who do I contact if I have a question about my internship, my resume, my summer plans, or my career plans?
- Who do I contact if I have a question about my courses, the major or degree audit?
- What is a capstone course?
- Can courses required for Global Affairs also count for my Yale distributional requirements?
- When are the Core courses scheduled?
- Does Gateway to Global Affairs (GLBL 101/ INTS 101) count toward the major?
- If I am very interested in applying to the Global Affairs major, which classes would be best to take during my Freshman and Sophomore years so that I can best take advantage of the major if I am admitted?
- Do you have a waitlist for admission?
- Can I write a senior thesis in place of or in addition to the capstone requirement?
- Can a non-English native language fulfill the language requirement? If so, what documentation is required?
- What Summer or Term Abroad courses can count toward the major?
- Is there an "intensive major" option?
- What do you look for in a Global Affairs application?
- How many students are admitted to the major each year?
- When can I apply for the major?
- Can I submit GMAT or LSAT scores in lieu of the GRE?
- I haven't taken any Economics classes. May I still apply?
- Does Jackson offer funding?
- Do I have to speak a second language to apply?
- Veterans Day 2024 | Kisshan Sankar
- Introducing the Peacebuilding Initiative
- Building Peace Across Generations
- The Jackson School Peacebuilding Initiative
- Event recording | Kosova 25 Years After Liberation
- [Livestream] Kosova 25 Years After Liberation
- 2024 Transatlantic Bridge Conference
- Rory Stewart | The Crises Facing the West
- Diploma Ceremony 2024
- Victoria Kipngetich | Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy
- Cynthia Sutanto | Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy
- Andrew DeWeese | Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy
- Bobby Atkinson | Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy
- Event recording | Public Health Approaches to Reducing Targeted Violence
- An interview with Goodluck Jonathan
- Life in the Elm City
- An interview with Evan Mawarire
- An interview with Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees
- An interview with former Colombian President Iván Duque
- Yale Emerging Climate Leaders Fellowship
- Amit Khandelwal | Why Jackson?
- Ichiro Takinami | Opportunities for Field Work
- Soham Basu | Intro
- María José Ramírez | Building a Community
- Ichiro Takinami | Intro
- María José Ramírez | Interacting with Senior Fellows
- David Alzate | Opportunities Across Yale
- David Alzate | Support for Student Initiatives
- Soham Basu | Benefits of a Small Community
- Ichiro Takinami | The Summer Experience
- María José Ramírez | Intro
- Soham Basu | Connecting with Alumni
- Amit Khandelwal | Economics for Policymakers
- David Alzate | Intro
- Amit Khandelwal | Living in New Haven
- Frances Klimczak | Intro
- Frances Klimczak | Jackson School Community
- Frances Klimczak | Exploring Career Paths
- Frances Klimczak | Why Choose Jackson?
- Frances Klimczak | Learning from Practitioners
- Transatlantic Conference 2023
- Diploma Ceremony 2023
- Event recording | International Security in Orbit
- Event recording | Dilemmas in Central Banking: Emerging Economy Perspectives
- Event recording | Grand Strategy information session
- Event recording | Jackson School Dedication Ceremony
- Event recording | The Old Order Changeth, Yielding Place to New
- Event recording | Threats to Democracy
- Event recording | The Ambassadors: America's Diplomats on the Front Lines
- Jackson School Dedication Ceremony | Centerpiece Video
- Event recording | The War in Ukraine: Where do we go from here?
- Event recording | Emerging Economies in Latin America: Bolivian Economic Model
- Jackson School Matriculation Ceremony 2022
- Development in Action
- Yihemba Yikona | The Summer Experience
- Yihemba Yikona | Leadership Outside the Classroom
- Yihemba Yikona | Intro
- Max Townsend | The Jackson Community
- Max Townsend | Unique Academic Experiences
- Max Townsend | Intro
- Sidney Cech | Intro
- Ronald Zhang | Strength of Community
- Ronald Zhang | Tailoring Your Curriculum
- Ronald Zhang | Studying a Foreign Language at Yale
- Ronald Zhang | Intro
- Yihemba Yikona | A Welcoming Community
- Sidney Cech | Tapping into the Alumni Network
- Sidney Cech | Finding a Mentor
- Sidney Cech | New Haven
- Event recording | Jackson Diploma Ceremony 2022
- Jackson School shield revealed
- Diploma Ceremony 2022
- Event recording | Book talk & signing: Victory at Sea
- Event recording | Cybersecurity, Blockchain, and the Rise of Cryptocurrency
- Event recording | Provably Beneficial Artificial Intelligence
- Event recording | Quantum Computing and Global Affairs
- Event recording | The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values
- Event recording | ISS Discussion Forum: Challenges to World Order
- Event recording | War in Ukraine
- Event recording | ISS Visiting Fellow Discussion Forum featuring Fiona Hill
- Event recording | Assessing U.S. Diplomacy Two Decades After 9/11
- Event recording | Sino-Indian Affairs: Competition and Conflict
- Event recording | Faith, Loss, and the Twilight of Christianity in the Land of the Prophets
- Event recording | Lessons for American Diplomacy and Our Political Future
- The Jackson MPP Curriculum
- Maya Saint Germain | A Learning Community
- Maya Saint Germain | The Summer Experience
- Dilan Ezgi Koç | Intro
- Taek Jin Han | Intro
- Nellie Petlick | The Jackson Community
- Joe Gayeski | Outside the Classroom
- Joe Gayeski | Living in New Haven
- Event recording | The Strategy of Denial
- Event recording | Afghanistan: Where Do We Go From Here?
- Event recording | Afghanistan: A View from the Frontlines
- Nellie Petlick | Learning from Senior Fellows
- The Jackson Student Community
- Event recording | Sunrise Foundation First Annual Lecture
- Diploma Ceremony 2021
- Event recording | Does America Need a New Strategy for Iraq, Syria, and the Kurds?
- Event recording | Chinese Conceptions of World Order
- Event recording | Kurdish Perspectives from the Region
- Event recording | Regional Power Competition and the Kurds
- Event recording | Justice for Kurds
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Stephen Pagliuca
- Event recording | Conversation with Hopewell Chinono
- Event recording | Conversation with Senator Mark Kelly
- Event Recording | Alternative Voting Systems
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Clarence Gravlee
- Event recording | 2034: A Novel of the Next World War
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Dr. Seth Berkley
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Michel Sidibe
- Event recording | Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Allure of Authoritarianism
- Event recording | After Trump: What's Next for America At Home and Abroad
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Greg Hunt
- Arne Westad | Building the Jackson School
- The Joy of Fellowship
- Event recording | Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World
- Event recording | Visiting Fellow Discussion Forum with Fiona Hill
- Event recording | Virtual Admissions Panel for Policy Think Tanks
- Event recording | Public Health Challenges of the Venezuelan Migration
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Heidi Cerneka
- Event recording | Jackson Visiting Fellow Discussion Forum with James Clapper
- Event recording | Global Health Studies Speaker Series with Dr. Julio Frenk
- Event recording | The Spymasters: How CIA Directors Shape History and the Future
- Event recording | America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
- Event recording | Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary
- Event recording | Trade, Investment & Global Competitiveness in a Post-Pandemic Economy
- Event recording | China’s Power and Influence in a Post-COVID-19 World
- Event recording | The Future of Great Power Conflict
- Arne Westad | New Haven
- Event recording | Rigged: America, Russia, and One Hundred Years of Covert Electoral Interference
- Event recording | The Power of Protest: Human Rights at Home and Abroad
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: How The Pandemic Will Shape International Politics
- Harry Thomas | Importance of public service
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Breakthrough Scientific Research at Yale
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Geopolitics and Strategy
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: A View from the U.S. Senate
- Recognizing the Class of 2020 | Jim Levinsohn
- Recognizing the Class of 2020 | Marnix Amand
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Prospects for Recovery in the World Economy
- Event Recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Cyber Threats and Opportunities in the Digital Age
- Harry Thomas | Scholars and Practitioners
- Arne Westad | Interdisciplinary faculty
- Sec. John Kerry | Educating the next generation of leaders
- Sec. John Kerry | Building the Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Sec. John Kerry | Working with Kerry Fellows
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: The United States and Its Allies Under Stress
- Event recording | COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Crisis Diplomacy
- Event recording: COVID-19 and Global Affairs: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Crisis
- Class recording: American Power in the 21st Century, April 2, 2020
- Class recording: American Power in the 21st Century, April 3, 2020
- Event recording: COVID-19 and Global Affairs: The Economy and World Markets in Turmoil
- Event Recording: COVID-19 & Global Affairs: Leadership in Crisis
- Event recording: COVID-19 & Global Affairs: Health, Politics & Economics
- The Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Robert Ford
- Sue Biniaz
- Howard Dean
- Gabriela Hernández Cardoso
- Emma Sky
- Explore New Haven
- Violent experiences alter the genome in ways that persist for generations
- Study finds integrated financial solutions can boost African farmer income
- Jackson, Munich Security Conference announce academic partnership
- Yale College senior named Gates Cambridge scholar
- Applications now open for intensive human rights certificate program
- Cold War redux? Weighing the risks of a ‘great-power’ contest with China
- Experts discuss states’ use of data in growing AI landscape
- In Conversation: José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez and Mayara Felix on inequality in Latin America
- Yale students create AI policy recommendations for Connecticut government
- Two Jackson School affiliates named Nuclear Security fellows
- Discussing the past, present, and future of international development
- Aid worker narratives reveal discontent within the humanitarian sector
- Experts discuss trade, investment, and industrial policy
- Peacebuilding Initiative hosts discussion on Everyday Peace Indicators
- Two Jackson School affiliates selected as 2025 Schwarzman Scholars
- Grand Strategy program welcomes diverse new cohort
- Gandhi named the Wang ’95 Professor of Global Affairs and Political Science
- Emerging Climate Leaders Fellowship program names 2025 cohort
- Yale Schmidt Program students meet with tech leaders in Silicon Valley
- Lauren Falcao Bergquist and Amit Khandelwal on trade and development
- Blue Center funds first round of faculty research
- Governing in the era of ‘Internet Power’ and big data
- Food justice advocate discusses people-centered agriculture
- Defense expert Thomas Mahnken discusses post-election defense strategy
- Jackson grads launch nonprofit to mentor students interested in tech and security
- Former Treasury official Elizabeth Rosenberg on sanctions
- Mayara Felix on the value of cross-discipline dialogue and on-the-ground research
- In the US-China trade war, how did some “bystander” countries come out ahead?
- Two Jackson School affiliates awarded 2025 Rhodes Scholarships
- Service, continued: Voices from Yale’s veteran community
- Providing U.N. officials tools to combat climate change
- Ambassador Nuland stresses urgency to protect democracy
- EU defense attaché on the EU’s military role
- Roundtable focuses on changing the narrative on immigration
- Peace and security on the African continent
- New research: Free, all-day early care sets families on a better financial trajectory
- Schmidt Program students meet with policy, tech leaders in Washington
- For Jackson’s new deputy dean, connections are key
- On liberation: PM Albin Kurti reflects on Kosovo’s past, present and future
- David Leonhardt on the U.S. presidential election
- The trade and development economist helping make markets more efficient in Latin America and beyond
- A sense of place: Laura Robson on refugees, displacement, and statelessness
- Global affairs major awarded Obama Foundation scholarship
- International Leadership Center names inaugural Peace Fellow
- Jackson School welcomes nine new Senior Fellows
- Theresa May named inaugural Blue Senior Fellow
- Mayara Felix explains the labor market effects of domestic outsourcing
- At a pivotal moment, incoming Jackson class arrives ready to tackle ‘daunting issues’
- Jackson faculty conduct research on “everyday peace” in Mauritania
- At a crossroads: Alden Young on the links between Africa and the Arab world
- Jackson School launches Blue Center for Global Strategic Assessment
- Yale economists take aim at improving supply chains
- ILC co-sponsors panel on international environmental efforts in China
- Transatlantic Bridge Conference explores prospects for Europe-U.S. strategic cooperation
- ‘Fuzzy’ maps offer insight into local perceptions of the value of volunteering
- Four Jackson affiliates win Fulbright awards
- Recent grad Amar Kakirde wins Jeopardy!
- Class of 2024 grads encouraged to challenge the status quo
- Jackson School to host Diploma Ceremony May 20
- Making the world his concern
- Preparing the next generation of Ukrainian leaders
- Three Jackson School affiliates awarded fellowships for graduate study in the U.K.
- Annual Johnson Center Conference honors the legacy of Henry Kissinger
- Jackson School names 2024 Beck Prize recipient
- In the current political landscape, ‘the truth still matters,’ Christie tells students
- Lagarde challenges students to ‘be bold’
- Spring break trip to Taiwan highlights competition in strategic technologies
- Schmidt Program students participate in AI dialogue with Chinese experts and peers
- Yale College senior selected as Gaither Junior Fellow
- Volunteering enhances life satisfaction among Syrian refugee women
- Parental discord over dads’ role linked to child development shortfalls
- Sixteen global leaders named 2024 World Fellows
- Stewart draws on days in Parliament, and Afghan villages, in new Yale role
- Workshop aims to strengthen transatlantic relations in times of change
- Exploring pathways to evidence-based policy in Rwanda
- Defending Enlightenment reasoning in an age of ‘alternative facts’
- Public health experts tackle gun violence
- Pulitzer Prize-winning authors on the art of writing biographies
- Penny Goldberg on why market size and equality are critical for poverty reduction
- Student-led startup harnesses AI to predict political violence
- Jing Tsu appointed Spence Professor
- Statement on World Fellow Alexey Navalny
- Rory Stewart named Professor in the Practice
- Jackson student research highlighted at WEF meeting in Davos
- Emerging Climate Leaders Fellowship program names 2024 cohort
- First cohort of Jackson Climate Fellows reconvenes on global stage
- Making connections: Initiative puts Ukrainian history in global context
- General David Petraeus on the evolution of modern warfare
- Grand Strategy program announces new cohort
- Global Affairs major named Marshall Scholar
- Undergraduate alum, Grand Strategy student selected as Schwarzman Scholars
- Exiled Belarusian leader on the fight against an authoritarian regime
- Jackson School honors Paul Kennedy’s four decades at Yale
- Global Affairs major awarded 2024 Rhodes Scholarship
- Engaging with global health policy
- Former U.S. Rep. Bruce Morrison: How to Approach Immigration Reform
- Jackson School students named 2023-2024 Kerry Fellows
- Former Moldovan prime minister on leading through crisis
- Gen. Stan McChrystal on what makes an effective leader
- ‘Trust is a currency,’ former Philippines VP tells students
- At the intersection of church and democracy
- Student research explores AI competition between the U.S. and China
- Jackson alum named White House Fellow
- Capstone project research cited in U.S. Congressional hearing
- Former Colombian president discusses challenges of pandemic, refugee crisis during term
- John Jackson to be awarded Yale Medal
- Newest Jackson class urged to share their diversity of experiences
- Understanding authoritarianism
- David Petraeus appointed Kissinger Senior Fellow
- Bonnie Weir named assistant dean for undergraduate education
- New book examines the unequal effects of globalization
- Eight new Senior Fellows join Jackson School
- In short stories, Jackson School lecturer tackles existential questions
- Volunteering empowers refugee and Jordanian women in poor urban communities
- Yale student and Air Force vet is named a Tillman Scholar
- Transatlantic Conference addresses EU-US relations, cooperation
- Jackson’s first graduating class ‘up to the task’ for the challenges ahead
- New AI platform aims to improve disaster response
- Jackson School to host Diploma Ceremony May 22
- Two Global Affairs majors awarded Davis Projects for Peace grants
- Addressing inequalities in educational markets with the power of personalized information
- Jackson School names 2023 Beck Prize recipient
- Jackson School affiliate awarded Rotary Global Grant Scholarship
- Conference focuses on Africa and China in a new era
- Global Affairs major selected for Truman Scholarship
- New policy brief outlines key strategies for sustainable peacebuilding
- The links between US-China trade and inequality
- Sixteen global leaders named 2023 World Fellows
- Symposium reckons with impacts of Iraq War after 20 years
- Democracy in Peril
- Ardina Hasanbasri on using data to empower gender-focused development
- Authenticity is the key to success, VP of Uruguay tells students
- D.C. trip offers students insight on global health funding, policy landscape
- CNN’s Clarissa Ward on Ukraine’s resolve and the cost of war
- Two Jackson School affiliates named Marshall scholars
- Designing effective trade policy
- Former central banker shares insight on challenges of emerging market economies
- Amit Khandelwal analyzes the short- and long-term effects of the US-China trade war
- Three Jackson affiliates win 2023 Rhodes Scholarship
- War in context: Yale’s Ukraine course reaches a global audience
- Eight Jackson School students named Kerry Fellows
- Yale celebrates new Jackson School at ‘unique moment’ in history
- Slideshow | Yale celebrates opening of Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Experts discuss the implications of the Ukraine conflict
- Expert hands give Jackson students a lesson in shaping policy
- Ambassadors share insights on Africa, war in Ukraine
- Yale to dedicate new Jackson School of Global Affairs on October 15
- President Arce of Bolivia delivers annual Sunrise Foundation Lecture
- Research examines effect of government Covid-related funding on small businesses in Latin America
- Sixteen climate practitioners selected for inaugural fellowship
- Office Hours with Lauren Falcao Bergquist
- Bergquist explores causes and effects of collusion in East African agricultural markets
- Jackson School welcomes students in inaugural Matriculation Ceremony
- Jackson School makes strides in building faculty
- Three new Senior Fellows join Jackson
- Office Hours with Amit Khandelwal
- New books offer fresh insight on history of oil, Cold War
- Caliendo named Won Park Hahn Professor of Global Affairs and Management
- Khandelwal named Dong-Soo Hahn Professor of Global Affairs and Economics
- Beliefs about political equality prevent consensus for progressive taxes
- Nicholas Dockery named 2022 Soldier of the Year
- A Syrian democracy activist overcomes detentions, barriers in path to Yale
- Jackson Institute launches new climate fellowship program
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2022 graduates
- Jackson to host Diploma Ceremony May 23
- With new shield, Jackson School reflects ambitions, global perspective
- Yale historian Paul Kennedy charts Allied ‘Victory at Sea’
- Kenneth Scheve to serve as FAS Dean of Social Science
- A new approach to U.S.-China relations
- Jackson names 2022 Beck Prize recipient
- The state of global affairs and the path forward for higher ed
- Seeing history through a different lens
- U.S. diplomat highlights challenges to humanitarian assistance, refugee resettlement
- Sixteen global leaders named 2022 World Fellows
- Yale experts on the war in Ukraine
- Professor Penny Goldberg talks economics, law, and women's rights
- Top U.S. strategist shares insights on challenges to the world order
- Carlos Brown selected as a 2022 Campus Compact Newman Civic Fellow
- Jackson experts shed light on Russia’s ‘war of conquest’ in Ukraine
- Jackson grad student Dilan Ezgi Koç named CSIS Nuclear Scholar
- What will set the Jackson School apart: A conversation with James Levinsohn
- Jackson School of Global Affairs to open fall 2022, Levinsohn named dean
- Senior global affairs major Megan He selected as Churchill Scholar
- Expanding opportunity is key to democracy, says foreign policy expert Fiona Hill
- Jackson Institute establishes Schmidt Program on Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, and National Power
- Top U.S. diplomat shares insight from long career in the field
- Global affairs major Liam Elkind named 2022 Rhodes Scholar
- Journalist shares insight on tensions between India and China
- Nine Jackson students named Kerry Fellows
- Progress undone: Rory Stewart on what went wrong in Afghanistan
- Di Giovanni sheds light on embattled Christian communities, her own faith journey
- Let’s make a deal: A crash course in climate negotiations
- Faith and resilience in Middle East’s imperiled Christian communities
- Panelists reflect on the legacy of James Baker
- Senior Fellow appointed Envoy to the Western Sahara
- A path forward for U.S. defense strategy
- Panelists offer insight on the future of Afghanistan
- Reporting live from Afghanistan: An inside perspective
- New Jackson course to analyze U.S. involvement in Afghanistan
- Six new Senior Fellows join Jackson
- Levinsohn elected president of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2021 graduates
- Jackson to host Diploma Ceremony May 24
- Jackson Women group creates ‘brave space’ for personal, professional growth
- Once homeless, graduating senior is driven to help end hunger
- Annual Sunrise Foundation lecture to focus on emerging economies
- Kissinger conference honors the legacy of diplomat and mentor Charles Hill
- Jackson names 2021 Beck Prize recipient
- Remembering Professor Nuno Monteiro
- Jackson to launch new center on leadership and enhance international security research
- Comparing online and in-person surveys: assessing a measure of resilience with Syrian refugee youth
- Scholars, ambassador offer insight on Chinese nationalism and global power
- Jackson alum named 2021 Soros Fellow
- Accepting applications for Postdoctoral Fellowship in International Development
- Sen. Kelly offers hope for bipartisanship in the Senate
- Two Jackson alumni selected as Aspen Rising Leaders
- Sixteen global leaders named 2021 World Fellows
- Two Hillhouse buildings designated for new Jackson School
- Geopolitical thriller novel foreshadows rough seas ahead
- Award-winning journalist explores the ‘allure of authoritarianism’
- Loren Voss MA ’17 selected for Next Gen National Security Leaders Fellowship
- Returning to global stage, Kerry to remain campus presence
- Top brass offer insight on the road ahead
- Solidarity, Social Justice, and Faith: Humanitarian Action on the U.S.-Mexico Border
- Drawing on Yale research, documentary short wins at Raw Science Film Festival
- Yale Cyber Leadership Forum launches spring 2021 series
- Two Jackson alumni to study in China as Schwarzman Scholars
- Journalist Fareed Zakaria shares lessons for post-pandemic world
- Polarization in U.S. politics starts with weak political parties
- Russia expert Fiona Hill addresses future of U.S.-Russia relationship
- Bill Morneau appointed Senior Fellow
- Clapper offers insight from a career in the intelligence community
- Five Jackson students named Kerry Fellows
- Ambassador Rice shares lessons from her life and career
- Public health experts kick off new discussion series
- Studying global challenges, with an eye to the past
- Author Chris Whipple shares inside story behind 'Spymasters'
- A Principled Campaign
- Historian and ambassadors delve into diplomatic history of U.S.
- Jackson names Fall 2020 Visiting Fellows
- Timothy Snyder shares perspectives on health care, equity and freedom
- Levinsohn named a 2020 Citation Laureate
- Westad named director of the International Security Studies at Yale
- Six new Senior Fellows join Jackson
- Panelists explore the history of electoral interference
- Former ambassadors address protests, demands for equality worldwide
- Political polarization is biggest threat to international cohesion, former U.N. ambassador says
- Internationally renowned scientists review latest findings from COVID-19 research
- National security strategists assess impact of the pandemic
- Sen. Murphy offers insight on foreign, domestic policy challenges post-COVID
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2020 graduates
- New platform enlists 500 volunteers to support pandemic relief efforts
- Jackson names 2020 Beck Prize recipient
- Economists weigh in on prospects for recovery
- Tech thought leader offers insight on cyber threats in a pandemic
- Jude Alawa ’19 named Knight-Hennessy Scholar
- Generals reflect on international alliances, leadership and shared values
- Six former U.S. ambassadors weigh in on crisis diplomacy
- Podesta, Klain share lessons from the Ebola crisis
- Economists discuss COVID-related economic turmoil and the way forward
- Senior Fellow Stan McChrystal addresses leadership in times of crisis
- Jackson launches virtual discussion series on COVID-19 and global affairs
- Senior Fellow Janine di Giovanni to receive Blake-Dodd Prize
- Journalist shares her battle against disinformation and harassment
- Two Middle East experts address challenges facing the region
- Battling economic insecurity with Yale political scientist Ian Shapiro
- Four-star admiral offers perspective on leadership, military strategy
- Jackson alumnus Nicolas Wicaksono YC ’19 named Schwarzman Scholar
- Catherine Panter-Brick designated the Chabner Professor
- Jackson MA student named 2019-2020 Climate and Security Advisory Group Fellow
- Colin Coleman appointed Senior Fellow
- Deadline to apply for Jackson grad programs Jan. 2
- Two graduate students named 2019-2020 Coverdell Fellows
- Study: Poverty, not trauma, affects cognitive function in refugee youth
- Seasoned diplomats address the future of Syria
- Three Jackson students named Kerry Fellows
- Reflecting on Bretton Woods with Yale political scientist Ian Shapiro
- Three new Senior Fellows to join Jackson
- Study leverages peer effects to encourage adoption of hygienic latrines
- Study examines effects of genes and resilience on Syrian refugee youth
- Arne Westad designated the Elihu Professor of History
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2019 graduates
- Jackson names 2019 Beck Prize recipient
- Climb on! Examining the impact, potential of rock climbing
- Albright, Rice, Clinton, and Kerry discuss U.S. role on world stage
- Jackson hosts third annual Special Operations Conference
- University launches Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Kerry Initiative conference to address challenges to democracy
- Kissinger conference addresses future of international state system
- Meet the 2019 World Fellows
- Jackson alumnus Charles Stone named Knight-Hennessy Scholar
- Apply for a Jackson summer fellowship by Feb. 20
- Yale to hold Commencement Exercises May 20
- Global Health Studies program names new scholars
- Mitchell cites gerrymandering, dark money as greatest threats to American democracy
- Global Affairs major wins Rhodes Scholarship
- Deadline to apply for Jackson grad programs Jan. 2
- Committee advises converting Jackson Institute into school of global affairs
- 100 years ago: A commemoration of World War I
- Kerry, Friedman call for bipartisanship and global cooperation
- Five Jackson students named Kerry Fellows
- Eight new Senior Fellows to join the Jackson Institute
- Jackson alumnus named 2018 Boren Fellow
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2018 graduates
- Jackson names 2018 Beck Prize recipient
- Liberia adopts capstone recommendations for medical education reform
- Jackson alumna awarded Soros Fellowship for New Americans
- Study measures impact of economic aid programs in Afghanistan war zone
- Johnson Center conference addresses cyberwarfare and artificial intelligence
- Meet the 2018 World Fellows
- Yale to hold Commencement Exercises May 21
- McChrystal and Kerry weigh in on U.S. counterterrorism efforts
- Jackson alumna named Gates Cambridge Scholar
- Kerry and McChrystal to discuss counterterrorism Feb. 23
- Apply for a Jackson summer fellowship by Feb. 20
- Applications for Global Health Postdoctoral Fellowships due March 16
- Intervention reduces ‘stress hormone’ in war-affected youth
- Applications for Postdoctoral Kissinger Visiting Scholars Program due Feb. 15
- Jackson seniors make an impact on global health through capstone project
- Senior Fellow Emma Sky to direct program for African women leaders
- Applications to M.A. program due January 2
- Students trade up from a paperclip to a car
- Study: Humanitarian program benefits mental health of Syrian refugee youth
- Kerry-led conference sets climate-change agenda
- Yale senior wins 'Bobby R. Inman Award' for research on intelligence
- New research uncovers unexpected tactic by terrorist group
- The price of medical emergencies: Study examines out-of-network billing
- Yale Alumni Magazine features story on Sec. John Kerry ’66
- New tool measures resilience in adolescent Syrian refugees
- Jackson celebrates Class of 2017 graduates
- Jackson names first recipients of Beck Prize
- Visit by Sec. John Kerry draws capacity crowd
- Global Affairs senior to study at Oxford as a Keasbey Scholar
- Jackson grad students among winners of globalization insights competition
- Sixth Annual Johnson Center Conference Examines Lessons from World War I
- World Fellows Program announces Class of 2017
- Jackson graduate student named 2017-2018 Open Society Fellow
- New book offers ‘sobering’ analysis of the past and an action plan for the present
- New research highlights unintended consequences of international aid in Afghanistan
- Yale to hold Commencement Exercises May 22
- Profile on Senior Fellow Roz Savage
- Secretary Kerry Joins Yale as Distinguished Fellow for Global Affairs
- Admitted Students Visit Days April 2-3
- Jackson Welcomes Three New Senior Fellows
- Jackson director, Senior Fellow appear on China's CCTV
- M.A. Info Session in Beijing Dec. 14
- Panel on the Next National Security Strategy Dec. 6
- Discussion on Challenges for Central Banks Dec. 6
- M.A. Info Session in DC Nov. 29
- M.A. Info Session and Campus Visit Nov. 17
- Talk on "Challenges Facing The UN Security Council" Nov. 10
- Discussion, "Capital And The Common Good" Nov. 9
- Jackson Institute Expands Recruiting Efforts in Africa
- Graduate Admissions Fairs Nov. 8-10
- M.A. Info Session and Campus Visit Nov. 1
- M.A. Info Session In Beijing Oct. 21
- Emma Sky’s “Unraveling” Shortlisted for Arthur Ross Book Award
- M.A. Info Session in D.C. Oct. 20
- Tim Snyder Receives Award for “Black Earth”
- Online Chat Sessions Slated for Oct. 5 and 13
- M.A. Info Session and Campus Visit Oct. 27
- M.A. Info Session Oct. 10
- M.A. Info Session Sept. 26
- Jackson to Host "Election 2016" Talk Oct. 10
- Jackson Names 2016-2017 Senior Fellows
- Graduate Admissions Fair July 21
- M.A. Info Sessions Offered Throughout Summer
- Jackson Celebrates Class of 2016 Graduates
- Graduate Students Awarded $20K Prize for Health Care Technology Project
- M.A. Student Selected For Rosenthal Fellowship In International Relations
- Jackson Professor Lloyd Grieger Receives 2016 Faculty Teaching Prize
- Yale to Hold Commencement Exercises May 23
- Lecture On "The Troubles And The Good Friday Agreement" April 26
- Lunch Discussion On Constitutionalism And The Rule Of Law April 26
- Talk on "Global Developments, Europe and the Challenges For The Humanitarian Community" April 25
- Emma Sky’s “Unraveling” Shortlisted For Orwell Prize
- Talk On "Approaching The History Of Humanitarian Ideas" April 13
- Talk on “Looting Russia's Treasury and Laundering a Billion Rubles" April 20
- Lecture On “How Antiquities Fuel Modern Conflicts” April 12
- Discussion On "The Challenges Of Responding To Humanitarian Needs In Sub-Saharan Africa" April 11
- Panel Discussion on the Paris COP21 Agreement April 6
- Fifth Annual Johnson Center Conference Examines Statecraft Through Biography
- Q&A With Michèle Flournoy March 31
- World Fellows Names Class of 2016
- Caesar’s Photos: Inside Syria’s Secret Prisons Exhibit March 8-11
- Conversations On Global Health Policy Lecture Series March 2
- Discussion with Ambassador Lukman Faily March 1
- Conversations On Global Health Policy Lecture Series Feb. 24
- Conversations on Global Health Policy lecture series March 9
- Book Launch Reception For "Medical Humanitarianism" March 2
- Conversations On Global Health Policy Lecture Series Kicks Off Feb. 17
- Lecture on Syrian Peace Talks in Geneva Feb. 9
- Graduate Student Sarah Tolbert Named Gruber Fellow
- Discussion On Challenges To Humanitarian Action Jan. 26
- New Book Examines European Colonial Intervention In Morocco
- Jackson Alumna Zahra Baitie '15 Named Schwarzman Scholar
- Jackson Hosts Special Exhibit, "Maidan. Ukraine. Road To Freedom"
- Yale World Fellow Named To Top 100 Global Thinkers List
- Jackson Professor Releases New Study On Health Care Costs
- M.A. Admissions Online Chat Dec. 18
- M.A. Admissions Online Chat Dec. 11
- Lecture On Wealth And Income Inequality Dec. 7
- Global Affairs Major Mason Ji ’16 Wins Rhodes Scholarship
- Senior Fellow Emma Sky Publishes Op-ed On ISIS
- Panel Discussion On The Trans-Pacific Partnership Nov. 16
- Deadline For B.A. Application Nov. 20
- Director Gini Reticker Visits Jackson To Screen Acclaimed Documentary
- Sophomore Information Session Nov. 4
- Sophomore Information Session Oct. 30
- Information Session for M.A. Program Oct. 29
- Jackson Gathering Oct. 23 In Beijing
- Jackson Gathering Oct. 22 In Hong Kong
- Lecture By Author Karl Marlantes Oct. 14
- Conference examines impact of a changing world order
- Recently Published: 'Pathways To Peace' By Professor Catherine Panter-Brick
- Jane Darby Menton, Global Affairs '15, Wins The Rhodes Scholarship
- Paul Kennedy honored with Hattendorf Prize
- 2014-2015 Senior Fellows Announced
- Johnson Center conference examines the future of Europe
- Jackson M.A. Student Named 2014-2015 Gruber Fellow
- Workshop on Youth, Governance and Conflict In Africa
- Second Annual Johnson Center Conference Features Henry Kissinger
- Ambassador Crocker Named First Kissinger Senior Fellow
- 2012-2013 Senior Fellows Announced
- Kissinger Among Featured Speakers at Johnson Center’s First Annual Conference
- Henry Kissinger Addresses Yale Students on U.S.-China Relations and American Diplomacy
- Luce Foundation, Marking 75th Anniversary, Awards Major Grant to Jackson Institute
- Crown Prince Alexander II Visits the Jackson Institute and Yale
- Kissinger Visits To Donate Papers
- New Study Highlights Mental Health Needs of Child Refugees
- 2011-2012 Senior Fellows Announced
- Yale To Receive Kissinger Papers And Jackson Institute To House The Johnson Center For The Study Of American Diplomacy
- New Global Affairs Major Approved
- Fareed Zakaria to Speak at Dedication of The Jackson Institute For Global Affairs at Yale University
- General Stanley McChrystal Joins Yale Faculty as Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute
- Wall Street Economist Stephen Roach Named Fellow Of Jackson Institute
- Distinguished Economist, Central Banker Rakesh Mohan Joins Jackson Institute
- Britain and the Changing World Order
- The Politics and Policies of Inclusive Growth
- Dynamics of Peace
- Truth, Trust and Evidence in the face of AI
- The Long Game: Rush Doshi on China’s Grand Strategy
- Environmental and Social Inequities in Global Data Centre Expansion: A Critical Analysis
- Nuclear Weapons are not a Fact of Life
- Book Talk: Michael O’Hanlon – To Dare Mighty Things: U.S. Defense Strategy Since the Revolution
- The War in Ukraine
- Baroness Theresa May Keynote Speech
- Economic Sanctions
- Book Talk: Edward Fishman on Chokepoints – American Power in the Age of Economic Warfare
- Escalation: A Podcast History of U.S.-Ukraine Relations
- Next-Gen Defense: A Conversation with the Honorable Christine Fox
- Facing the Future: U.S. Foreign Policy in an Era of Strategic Rivalry
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Alan McPherson
- Recipes for Resilience: Rethinking Food Security from the Local to the Global
- Jackson Admissions at Yale Model African Union: Day 1
- Negotiation in Secessionist Conflicts: Lessons from Catalonia
- Jackson School Student Academic Workshop Series: Will Leggat
- CNCT Congressional Spring Grad Fair - Washington, DC
- Outer Space Symposium with Bill Nelson
- Outer Space Symposium with Peter Beshar
- Outer Space Symposium with Gen. Jay Raymond
- AI Negotiations with China
- Intelligence Dimensions of U.S.-China Competition
- Rare Earth Minerals and U.S.-China Supply Chain Geopolitics
- World on the Brink: How America Can Beat China in the Race for the 21st Century
- Technology as a Tool for Democratization and Empowerment
- Afghanistan Since Withdrawal
- China in U.S. Strategy
- Jackson School Student Academic Workshop Series: Alice Cochrane
- Jackson School Student Academic Workshop Series: Oscar Oliveira
- Jackson School Student Academic Workshop Series: Dominik Juling
- Jackson School Student Academic Workshop Series: Lucy Calcott
- States' Use of Data
- Emerging Technologies and Great Power Competition
- Open Lecture & Book Talk featuring Iván Duque
- Legacies of the War on Terror
- Discussion on "The Rivalry Peril"
- Jackson School lecture
- Dark Laboratory: A Conversation with Tao Leigh Goffe
- International Development
- Strategies for Defending Human Rights: Lessons from Three Decades Leading Human Rights Watch
- Outer Space Symposium with Kari Bingen
- Everyday Peace Indicators: Understanding Aid Paradigms and Post-Conflict Preferences
- Industrial Policy
- Leadership in the Age of Outrage featuring Karthik Ramanna
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Gretchen Heefner
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Marc-William Palen
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Fiona Cunningham
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Lauren Benton
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Katherine Epstein
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: James Patton Rogers
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Fritz Bartel
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Megan Black
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Anatoly Levshin
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Charles Fawell
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Mattie Webb
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Daniel Chardell
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Wen-Qing Ngoei
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Michael Woldemariam and Alden Young
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Nataliia Laas
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Ruoyu Li
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Natalie Shibley
- Alumni Virtual Discussion: Ukraine
- Class of 2024 World Fellows Closing Ceremony
- Sanctions and Illicit Finance: Public and Private Sector Perspectives
- B.A.-B.S./M.P.P. Program Virtual Information Session
- Sex and Gender in Hard Times: Theory, Law, Policy
- Internet Power
- Individual Meetings with the Assistant Director of Admissions
- Sir David Khalili in Conversation with Emma Sky and Nizam Uddin
- POSTPONED The Power of Public Opinion Polls
- Championing Human Rights Through Arts and Sports
- The Role of Civil Society in Post-Conflict Reconciliation and Development
- AI for Energy and Energy Policy Influences
- Post-Conflict Development and Reconciliation and the Role of Religion
- Digital Ethics Workshop: Technologies of Hope
- Digital Ethics Workshop: Tolerant Paternalism
- A Conversation with Sir David Manning
- Fireside Chat: Post-Election Defense Strategy
- Investigative Insights into Putin's Worldwide Malign Networks
- The Future of Europe and Ukraine after Donald Trump's Election
- Small Yard, High Fence: Export Controls and US-China Tech Competition
- Platform Responsibility: An International Legal Synthesis
- What We’ve Got Wrong About Churchill
- Brexit – A Slogan Without a Strategy
- Film Screening: Navalny
- Jackson Admissions Webinar Dec. 16
- Digital Ethics Workshop: Tolerant Paternalism
- The Politics of Restitution in China's Cultural Revolution
- The New Nuclear Age: Reflections from Academia and Policy
- Generative-AI Safety: Perspectives from Platform Product Policy and Research
- Accountability For Forgotten Crises
- Pursuing Justice for Mass Atrocities via Universal Jurisdiction
- Artificial Intelligence and Regulatory Enforcement
- Building Inclusive Societies in Post Conflict Context: Cambodia and Timor-Leste
- Ignore Previous Instructions: Attacks on AI Systems and What to do About It
- Jackson Alumni Virtual Discussion: Mexico's Judiciary Reform
- A Conversation with Ambassador Victoria Nuland
- APSIA Graduate School Fair, Madrid
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Peter Roady
- Digital Ethics Workshop: Toleration and the Design of Norms
- Latin American World Fellows Panel
- The Far Right in Europe and Recent Elections: A Roundtable Conversation
- A Fireside Debate: Why Taiwan Matters and the US Election
- “Bending” Institutions to Meet the Moment: Reimagining Asia’s Role in the G7
- Regulating Algorithmic Management at Work in the EU
- APSIA Graduate School Fair, Geneva
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
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- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
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- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- CMES Lecture: Covering the Middle East: The Human Toll of Conflict
- Investigative Technologies and the Law Enforcement Privilege
- A “Strategic Compass” for Security and Defense: the European Union as a Global Security Actor
- The Future of US-China Strategic Competition
- On Xi Jinping: How Xi's Marxist Nationalism is Shaping China and the World
- The Great Transformation: China's Road from Revolution to Reform
- Protecting Millions of Displaced People One Potluck at a Time
- Roundtable on Immigration Reform
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in London, England
- AI and Inequality
- AI and Discrimination Injury
- Book Talk: Children of a Modest Star
- Peace & Security on the African Continent: What Does the Future Hold?
- Digital Ethics Workshop: The Value of Uncertainty
- Digital Ethics Workshop: AI and Democracy - Part 2
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Kaete O'Connell
- On the Frontlines of Climate Violence: Journalist Peter Schwartzstein in conversation with Yale World Fellows Leon McCarron and Roba El Husseini
- Careers in the AI Policy Ecosystem
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in Madrid, Spain
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in Bangkok, Thailand
- Evidence in Peacebuilding: Bridging Research and Practice with Examples from Nigeria and Mali
- Global Health Studies Program Information Session: October 15
- Global Health Studies Program Information Session: October 11
- The Brady Johnson Program in Grand Strategy: Info Session
- From Hong Kong to Bangkok and Back Again: Tales of the Lives and Friendships of East and Southeast Asian Youth Activists, 2014 to 2024
- Next Generation AI: Anticipatory Intelligence
- A Conversation on Publishing
- CANCELED: Youth, Democracy, and the Future of Latin America: A Conversation with H.E. Daniel Noboa, President of Ecuador
- Water Stories: "The Feast (Virundhu)"/"The Prediction (Kanippu)"
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Jack Guenther
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Stefano Chessa Altieri
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Sean Case
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Maryum Alam
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Aden Knaap
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Zaynab Quadri
- Tech for Impact in Africa
- Digital Ethics Workshop: AI and Democracy - Part 1
- Kosova 25 Years After Liberation: Democratic Progress and a Growing Economy — and the Rising Threat of Russia and Serbia
- Grand Strategy - Nuclear Security Conference
- Election 2024 Preview
- Graduate Admissions Alumni Coffee Chat in Mexico City, Mexico
- "On Freedom": Book Talk with Timothy Snyder
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Tariq Khan
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Mary Bridges
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Sulmaan Khan
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Narges Bajoghli and Vali Nasr
- Brady-Johnson Book Series: Elizabeth O'Brien Ingleson
- History as Biography, Chen Hansheng (1897-2004) China's Last Romantic Revolutionary
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Kevin Keller
- The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Caitlin Barker
- Digital Ethics Workshop: From Things to Relations
- PPIA Public Service Expo - Fall Virtual Fair
- Schmidt Program Welcome and Information Session
- Regenerative Agriculture & Food Justice
- Expanding Your Mission & Impact
- Listening to the Community
- Info Session for Prospective Global Affairs Majors
- APSIA Graduate School Fair NYC
- APSIA Graduate School Fair DC
- Digital Ethics Workshop: Welcome and Introduction
- Jackson Admissions Webinar October 3
- Jackson Admissions Webinar November 7
- CNCT Congressional Grad Fair - Washington, DC
- Virtual Admissions Panel for Fulbright Scholars
- Virtual Admissions Panel for Peace Corps Volunteers
- Jackson Admissions Webinar September 11
- PPIA Public Service Expo - Washington, D.C.
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in Rome, Italy
- Graduate Admissions Coffee Chat in Geneva, Switzerland
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Lebanon
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Indonesia
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Singapore
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Paris, France
- Graduate Admissions Faculty Coffee Chat in Hong Kong
- Fall Visit Day for Prospective Grad Students November 11
- Fall Visit Day for Prospective Grad Students October 7
- Jackson Admissions Webinar August 2024
- Jackson Admissions Webinar July 10
- Jackson Admissions Webinar June 4
- Kimball Smith Series: "Beyond Bits – Global Effects of Quantum Technology"
- Navigating AI Regulation: Insights from UN Initiatives
- A Conversation with Christine Lagarde
- The Russo-Ukrainian War Through the Eyes of a Historian
- Grand Strategy Info Session
- Foreign Policy Careers for PhDs
- Society for International Development 2024 Annual Conference - Washington, DC
- APSIA Online Graduate School Fair II
- APSIA Online Graduate School Fair I
- APSIA Virtual Open House: National Security and Global Threats
- International Security in Orbit and Beyond
- A Conversation with Governor Chris Christie
- A Conversation with Former Buenos Aires Mayor and Presidential Candidate Horacio Rodriguez Larreta
- Lessons from the War in Afghanistan
- Indian Foreign Policy and Perspectives on International Order
- Digital Rights Protection in War and the Fight Against Data Colonialism
- Taiwan Relations Act at 45: An Enduring Framework for Taiwan-U.S. Relations?
- The AI Frontier: Promoting Safety and Mitigating Global Risk
- Building Peace Across Generations
- Building Peace Across Generations
- AI and Climate Change
- Korea: A New History of North and South
- A Conversation with Christian Nunes, President of NOW
- A Conversation with Fareed Zakaria
- The Politics of Inclusive Growth
- Keynote Address: Rafael Mariano Grossi, “Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ vision is being tested. This is how we respond.”
- U.S.-China Competition and the Future of the Global Order
- Multilateral Development Finance Reform in an Era of Rapid Climate Change
- Global Air Quality Governance: CCAC, Clean Air Flagship, UNEA-6
- Beyond Great Power Competition: Africa-Ukraine Relations in a Fragmented World
- Grand Strategies of the Left: A Conversation with Van Jackson
- The Deadly Side of AI
- A Conversation with Oppenheimer Biographer Kai Bird
- A Conversation with Oppenheimer Biographer Kai Bird
- Challenges and Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Taiwan Elections and the Future of Cross-Strait Relations
- Kimball Smith Series: The Science and Ethics of Autonomous Warfare
- Alumni Virtual Discussions: Afghanistan
- Intelligence Matters: The Relaunch
- Public Health Approaches to Reducing Targeted Violence
- The Energy Dimension of International Security in Today’s World
- Writing War: A Conversation with Phil Klay
- Toward A New Global Framework for the Age of Turbulence
- Foreign Affairs Virtual Open House - Winter
- CNCT Congressional Grad Fair - Washington, DC
- Foreign Affairs Virtual Open House - Fall
- Foreign Affairs Virtual Open House - Summer
- #NatSecGirlSquad Conference 2024
Kerry Initiative News
- Kerry Initiative names 2023-2024 Fellows
- Kerry Initiative names 2022-2023 Fellows
- Kerry Initiative names 2021-2022 Fellows
- Returning to global stage, Kerry to remain campus presence
- Kerry Initiative names 2020-2021 Fellows
- Apply to be a 2020-2021 Kerry Fellow
- Two sessions of Kerry's "American Power" course available for viewing
- Twenty Yale students named Kerry Fellows
- Apply to be a 2019-2020 Kerry Fellow
- Albright, Rice, Clinton, and Kerry discuss U.S. role on world stage
- Kerry Initiative conference to address challenges to democracy
- Mitchell cites gerrymandering, dark money as greatest threats to American democracy
- Sen. George Mitchell to visit Yale for Kerry Conversation Dec. 1
- Kerry, Friedman call for bipartisanship and global cooperation
- Tom Friedman to visit Yale for Kerry Conversation Oct. 8
- Kerry Initiative names 2018-2019 Fellows
- Apply to be a 2018-2019 Kerry Fellow
- Gore to Kerry: ‘Political will is a renewable resource.’
- Kerry Initiative releases climate conference report
- Gore to visit Yale for Kerry Conversation Oct. 26
- Kerry-led conference sets climate-change agenda
- Kerry Initiative names 2017-2018 Fellows
- Yale Alumni Magazine features story on Sec. John Kerry ’66
- Visit by Sec. John Kerry draws capacity crowd
- Secretary Kerry Joins Yale as Distinguished Fellow for Global Affairs