Conference Schedule

Day One: Monday, September 18, 2017


11:00am-12:30pm – Session 1: The Future of Energy.

Speakers will discuss the future of energy, including solutions, opportunities and policies that will help address climate change.

Location: School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Burke Auditorium
Moderator: Secretary Kerry


  • Dr. Ernie Moniz, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy
  • Mr. Jonathan Pershing, Former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy for Climate Change
  • Mr. Tony Earley, Former CEO and Current Executive Chair of the Board, PG&E Corporation
  • Mr. Mark Boling, CEO, 2CNRG
  • Ms. Heather Zichal, Airbnb, Former Climate and Energy Advisor to President Obama

Watch a video recording of the session


2:30-4:00pm – Session 2: The Role of the Private Sector.

Speakers will explore the role of the private sector in addressing climate change, including market based solutions and opportunities in renewable energy.

Location: School of Management, Zhang Auditorium
Moderator: Secretary Kerry


  • Mr. Hank Paulson, Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
  • Mr. Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of the Board of General Electric
  • Ms. Anne Finucane, Vice Chairman of Bank of America

Watch a video recording of the session

Day Two: Tuesday, September 19, 2017


10:30-12:00pm – Session 3: State, City and International Efforts.

Speakers will talk about efforts by state, city, and international organizations to take responsible action on climate change.

Location: Woolsey Hall
Moderator: Secretary Kerry


  • Mr. Jerry Brown, Governor of the State of California
  • Mr. Jay Inslee, Governor of the State of Washington
  • Dr. Jim Kim, President of the World Bank
  • Ms. Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris

Watch a video recording of the session


2:30-3:45pm – Session 4: Bipartisan U.S. Leadership.

Speakers will discuss how to sustain U.S. leadership on energy and climate issues, and potential new avenues for bipartisanship efforts.

Location: Law School, Levinson Auditorium
: Secretary Kerry

Speaker: Mr. James Baker, Former U.S. Secretary of State

Video Messages:

  • Mr. Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator of South Carolina
  • Mr. John McCain, U.S. Senator of Arizona (to be confirmed)



5:00-6:15pm – Closing Plenary: Citizen Engagement & Activism.

Speakers will discuss citizen engagement and activism.

Location: Woolsey Hall
Moderator: Secretary Kerry
Speaker: Leonardo DiCaprio, United Nations Messenger of Peace for Climate

Watch a video recording of the session