Mluleki Shongwe
Mluleki Shongwe is the Head of the Monetary and Financial Law legal team at the South African Reserve Bank. He leads a team of lawyers who are responsible for legal risk management in the South African central bank, including providing legal and regulatory advice on climate change issues. He has a keen interest in assisting the South African financial sector to transition to a low-carbon economy by contributing to appropriate legislative and regulatory reforms.
He has advised the South African Reserve Bank on its Net Zero Strategy and he serves on the Carbon Footprint Working Group and the SARB Climate Change Programme. He is interested in academic research, policy making, and the adoption of suitable regulations to assist the financial industry to manage the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Mluleki holds a Bachelor of Laws degree (obtained with distinction) from the University of Zululand, a Master’s Degree in Banking Law from the University of Johannesburg, a Master’s Degree in Finance and Law from the Duisenberg School of Finance, and an MBA degree from the Gordon’s Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria. He has also attended the Advanced Management and Leadership Programme at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford and the Executive Development Programme at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.