Jobs By Sector

Jackson graduates are selected for exceptional positions in careers that span sectors.

Aggregate Data for 2019-2023

Jobs After Jackson Figures

Jackson’s May 2024 master’s program graduates are making an impact in diverse and impressive roles in global locations including Washington, DC; London; Taipei; Dakar, New York City; Sejong City; Dhaka; Boston; and Kigali. Alumni have secured high-level roles across multiple sectors including government, finance, consulting, international development, and the military. Notable positions include Founder and CEO, Chief of Staff, Senior Policy Advisor, and Principal Global Economist. 

The variety of roles, from strategic and developmental finance to entrepreneurial and public service, underscores how the personalized and interdisciplinary nature of the Jackson experience prepares graduates to have impactful careers worldwide.

Across the spectrum of careers that Jackson alumni pursue, the personalized and interdisciplinary nature of the Jackson experience prepares them to excel.

See a full list of job titles and locations.