
Kerry Initiative Conference

Session 3 — The Importance of American Leadership in Defending Democracy: Diplomatic Perspectives from former Secretaries of State

Former Secretaries of State will discuss the threat to democratic governments and institutions around the world, and America’s role in promoting values including democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Location: Woolsey Hall
Madeleine Albright
Condi Rice
Hillary Clinton

Session 4 — Facts, Truth, and the Press
Leading journalists will discuss the critical role of the press in defending democracy and the threats posed by attacks on journalists, the press and fact-based reporting. 
Location: SOM, Zhang Auditorum
Speakers: Moderated by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski
David Ignatius
Elise Jordan
Jason Rezaian
Bob Woodward

Closing Session — Historical Perspectives
Leading historians will provide historical context on the threats to democracy today, including insights and lessons that can inform how we approach our present challenges.
Location: SOM, Zhang Auditorium
Michael Beschloss
Douglas Brinkley
Beverly Gage
Robert Kagan

4/18/19 2:45:28 PM
Photo by Tony Fiorini