Jackson faculty include a core group of eminent academics, Professors of Global of Affairs; distinguished practitioners, Senior Fellows; and interdisciplinary faculty with appointments with the Jackson School and other affiliated faculty from throughout the University.

Professors of Global Affairs
Professor of Global Affairs are eminent ladder faculty jointly appointed with the Jackson School and other departments and schools at Yale. These professors are our core faculty who teach in our programs and drive Jackson’s central mission.

Lecturers and Visiting Faculty
Jackson’s lecturers and visiting faculty have primary appointments with the school. Coming from a variety of academic disciplines, they teach classes and contribute to the intellectual life of the school.

Affiliated Faculty
Jackson courses are interdisciplinary and are taught by faculty from throughout the University. Affiliated faculty conduct research on global affairs and teach classes that are cross-listed with the school’s programs.

Senior Fellows
These distinguished practitioners have extensive real-world experience in various fields of global affairs, including government, diplomacy, and business. Senior Fellows teach semester-long classes and serve as career mentors.

Undergraduate Capstone Faculty
Capstone faculty members oversee Jackson’s undergraduate capstone course. Global Affairs seniors complete public policy projects as a required component of the major.

Post-doctoral Associates
Jackson is the home to post-doctoral researchers from a variety of disciplines.