Maryum Alam

Brady-Johnson Predoctoral Fellow
Maryum Alam is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at The Ohio State University, with specializations in international relations and political methodology. Her research sits at the intersection of domestic politics and international relations, with an eye to answer broad questions about foreign policy decision-making, public opinion, grand strategy, and international conflict.
Read Full BioCaitlin Barker

Brady-Johnson Predoctoral Fellow
Caitlin Barker is a Brady-Johnson Predoctoral Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson School of Global Affairs. She is trained in modern African and Chinese history, and her dissertation is a diplomatic history from below of Cameroon’s relationship with China and Taiwan during the Cold War.
Read Full BioStephen Boada

U.S. Marine Corps Visiting Fellow
Stephen Boada is the Marine Corps Fellow in residence for the 2024-2024 academic year.
Read Full BioDaniel Chardell

Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow
Daniel Chardell is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy at Yale University. He specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations, the Middle East, and the Cold War.
Read Full BioJack Guenther

Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow
Jack H. Guenther is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy. He specializes in German history and the history of globalization and international order.
Read Full BioAden Knaap

Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow
Aden Knaap is a Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University. He is a historian and legal scholar who is currently writing a global history of international courts in the 20th century.
Read Full BioNataliia Laas

Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow
Nataliia Laas is a Henry Chauncey Jr.’57 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. She specializes in political economy, consumer society, gender, the history of the social sciences, and environmental history in the Soviet Union.
Read Full BioZaynab Quadri

Henry Chauncey ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow
Zaynab Quadri is a Henry Chauncey Jr. ’57 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy. Her research analyzes the role of private military contracting in projecting U.S. military and state power in the world during the 20th and 21st centuries.
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