Gandhi named the Wang ’95 Professor of Global Affairs and Political Science
Jackson School Faculty Research
Lauren Falcao Bergquist and Amit Khandelwal on trade and development
Mayara Felix on the value of cross-discipline dialogue and on-the-ground research
In the US-China trade war, how did some “bystander” countries come out ahead?
New research: Free, all-day early care sets families on a better financial trajectory
The trade and development economist helping make markets more efficient in Latin America and beyond
A sense of place: Laura Robson on refugees, displacement, and statelessness
Mayara Felix explains the labor market effects of domestic outsourcing
Jackson faculty conduct research on “everyday peace” in Mauritania
At a crossroads: Alden Young on the links between Africa and the Arab world
Yale economists take aim at improving supply chains
‘Fuzzy’ maps offer insight into local perceptions of the value of volunteering
Volunteering enhances life satisfaction among Syrian refugee women
Parental discord over dads’ role linked to child development shortfalls
Exploring pathways to evidence-based policy in Rwanda
Defending Enlightenment reasoning in an age of ‘alternative facts’
Penny Goldberg on why market size and equality are critical for poverty reduction
Making connections: Initiative puts Ukrainian history in global context
At the intersection of church and democracy
Understanding authoritarianism