About Us

The Blue Center for Global Strategic Assessment supports interdisciplinary work related to advancing national defense, diplomacy, intelligence, and international economic relations. The center has a particular focus on how states can use data to improve their exercise of statecraft in these domains. 

Whereas a decade ago, the seemingly inexorable rise of globalization and the empowerment of non-state actors seemed to threaten the centrality of the nation-state, today’s international relations are more complex. Even as technology continues to diffuse power, enable new actors, and reshape geopolitical paradigms, the forces of anti-globalization and nationalism are now more prevalent, and there is sharp and deepening competition among states. In this environment, the strategic exercise of statecraft looks different than it has in previous eras. States are experimenting in real time with different models for leveraging their interdependencies, new technologies, and data.  

Bringing together scholars in the fields of history, economics, data science, political science, and law, as well as leading figures from the military, intelligence, and diplomatic communities, the Blue Center focuses attention on these dynamics. This interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach is designed to shape an accurate understanding of what is occurring and to identify trends, problems, and their solutions. 

The Blue Center supports teaching and coursework and funds research consistent with its scholarly focus. In particular, the center funds fixed-term, renewable initiatives that are geared towards producing concrete, actionable insights.   

The Blue Center was launched in August 2024 through a generous gift from Neal Blue, a member of the Yale College Class of 1957. In addition to funding teaching and research, the gift also funds professorships, Senior Fellows, and student fellowships.