International Human Rights (20559). 2 units. This course will provide an introduction to international human rights law: it will examine its basic grammar, doctrines, and institutional processes. However, this field is witnessing the emergence of a “jus commune” in which both national and international jurisdictions and quasi-judicial instances influence each other. Therefore, comparative human rights law shall also form an important component of the course: we will aim to identify the emerging consensus across human rights bodies on a variety of questions that concern both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights. The course will be divided into three parts. Part I is an introduction to the sources of the international law of human rights and to some problems of interpretation that arise as a result of the “self-contained” character of the human rights regime. Part II describes the substantive obligations of States under international human rights law. Part III is about institutions or “mechanisms of protection.” Scheduled examination. O. De Schutter.