
Tuesday, April 1

All events will be held at the Greenberg Conference Center, 391 Prospect Street

1:00-1:10 pm Opening Remarks

1:10-2:10 pm Food & Foreign Assistance
Brian Drohan, U.S. Military Academy–West Point
Chika Kondo, Oxfam/Congressional Hunger Center
Gernot Laganda, UNICEF
Moderator: Allison Holland, Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs

2:20-3:20 pm Land, Labor & Sustainability
Helia Bidad, Environmental Lawyer
Nicole Civita, EcoGather and Sterling College
Ivy Pete, Yale University
Moderator: TBD

3:30-4:45 pm Agriculture & the Global Economy
Garrett Graddy-Lovelace, American University School of International Service
Danielle Resnick, International Food Policy Research Institute
Benjamin Siegel, Boston University
Henry Tugendhat, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Moderator: Mark Bomford, Yale Sustainable Food Program

Keynote Address

5:00-6:00 pm David Beasley, University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law and former executive director of the World Food Programme

Moderated by Rory Stewart, Professor of the Practice of Grand Strategy, Yale University

6:00-7:00 pm Welcome reception

Wednesday, April 2

All events will be held at the Greenberg Conference Center, 391 Prospect Street

8:15-9:00 am Breakfast

9:00-10:00 am Hunger & Human Security
Mengistu Assefa Dadi, Yale International Leadership Center
Michelle Jurkovich, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Kelly McFarland, Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy
Moderator: Yuval Ben-David, Yale International Leadership Center

10:15-11:15 am Food & Soft Power
Kristin Ahlberg, Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State, retired
Johanna Mendelson-Forman, American University
Ian Seavey, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Moderator: Kaete O’Connell, Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy

11:30 am-12:30 pm Urban Agriculture & Local Food Systems
Deborah Grieg, New Haven Ecology Project and Common Ground
Kaitlyn Kimball, Sunset Farm and CitySeed
Sarah Miller, CitySeed
Reggy St Fortcolin, Fridgeport
Moderator: Jacob Koch, Bloomberg Associates and Yale School of Architecture

12:30-1:00 pm Lunch

1:15-2:30 pm Food & Conflict
Emma Dodd, CSIS Global Food and Water Security Program
Zach Helder, Petersen & Company
Rebecca Middleton, World Food Programme
Moderator: Emma Sky, Yale International Leadership Center

2:45-3:45 pm Innovation & Resilience
Michael Franczak, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
Stephen Wood, The Nature Conservancy and Yale School of the Environment
Jian Yi, Good Food Fund
Moderator: Samara Brock, UCSC

Fireside Chat

4:00-5:00pm The Future of Food Security

Ertharin Cousin, Food Systems for the Future
Shannon Maynard, Congressional Hunger Center

Moderated by Molly Phee, Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs