Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy

About the Course

The Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy offers a year-long course (“Studies in Grand Strategy”) to Yale undergraduates and graduate students that addresses large-scale, long-term strategic challenges of statecraft, politics, and social change. The course encourages understanding of historical and contemporary global and domestic challenges, while developing students’ capacity for strategic thinking and effective leadership in a variety of fields.

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How to Apply

The deadline to apply for the 2024 Grand Strategy cohort has passed.

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Current Students

The current GS student cohort consists of 23 Yale students, mostly undergraduates with majors ranging from history and economics to philosophy and biology.  They study a varied curriculum, emphasizing classic texts in strategy, as well as large-scale, long-term strategic challenges of statecraft, politics, and social change.  

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Summer Research

The Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy provides support for summer research projects or internships related to the historical study or contemporary practice of grand strategy.

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Fellowships & Awards

Learn more about the fellowships and awards offered by the program.

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Meet the promising young scholars who are conducting cutting-edge research as pre- and post-doctoral associates with the program.

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Distinguished Practitioners

Meet the Distinguished Practitioners in Grand Strategy for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

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Faculty & Staff

The Grand Strategy Program is led by Arne Westad, Rory Stewart and Michael Brenes, with an independent group of senior Yale faculty and practitioners participating as advisors.

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The Grand Strategy program hosts speakers, workshops and other special events throughout the academic year.

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