Dynamics of Peace

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 9:00 AM - 5:45 PM

Location: Kline Tower

Cost: Free
Kline 14
219 Prospect Street
New Haven CT 06511


The Jackson School’s Peacebuilding Initiative will host its 2025 spring colloquium, “Dynamics of Peace,” a daylong conference held at Yale University.

Participants include peace and conflict experts from the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, the European Institute of Peace, the Institute for Economics & Peace, The Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program, and Yale University, as well as practitioners and scholars from across the world. Participants will present discuss key innovations and key insights on intergenerational peace-building.

The event is open to the Yale community and the general public, but space is limited and advance registration is required.

Open To:

Faculty, General Public, Graduate and Professional, Staff, Students, Undergraduate, Yale Postdoctoral Trainees


Colloquia and Symposia, Conferences, Meetings and Seminars, Jackson, Law, Politics and Society, Social Sciences, University Events


Peacebuilding Initiative


Jackson School of Global Affairs
Phone: 203-432-6253
Email: jackson.school@yale.edu
Link: http://jackson.yale.edu