Global Air Quality Governance: CCAC, Clean Air Flagship, UNEA-6
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Location: 46 Hillhouse
Cost: Free but register in advance46 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven CT 06511
The Deitz Family Initiative on Environment and Global Affairs, part of the Jackson School of Global Affairs, will host a conversation with Sandra Cavalieri, Hub Manager, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Secretariat, who will share insights on recent developments in global air quality governance, including both the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Flagship announced at COP28 and the air quality resolution that passed in 2024 session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya.
Cavalieri will draw on her decades of experience in regional and global governance of climate and air pollutants to put these efforts into context and discuss possible next steps. She will also discuss her professional trajectory and take student questions related to careers in environmental diplomacy.
Cavalieri coordinates the CCAC’s sectoral Hubs comprised of CCAC State and Non-State Partners that work to mitigate air pollution and climate-changing emissions from the agriculture, waste, fossil fuel, household energy, heavy-duty diesel vehicles and engines and cooling sectors. She coordinates the CCAC’s Clean Air Flagship Task Team, leads the CCAC’s involvement in the BreatheLife campaign and is supporting development of the CCAC’s new Air Quality Management Guidance Platform. She led the organization of the Climate and Clean Air Conference held in Bangkok in May 2023, and the most recent Climate and Clean Air Conference held in Nairobi in February 2024.
Prior to joining the CCAC Secretariat in 2012, Sandra was a Senior Fellow at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin, Germany, where she led a number of multi-year stakeholder dialogues focused on Arctic environmental governance.
The event is open to the Yale campus community. Seating is limited and registration is required.
Open To:
Faculty, Graduate and Professional, Staff, Students, Undergraduate, Yale Postdoctoral TraineesCategories:
Jackson, Law, Politics and Society, Panel Discussions and Roundtables, Social Sciences, Talks and Lectures
Sandra CavalieriContact:
Jackson School of Global AffairsPhone: 203-432-6253