Intelligence Matters: The Relaunch
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Location: Horchow Hall
Cost: Free but register in advance103 (GM Room)
55 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven CT 06511
International Security Studies will host a live recording of Intelligence Matters: the Relaunch, the national security podcast hosted by Michael Morell, former deputy director and acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Andy Makridis, former Chief Operating Officer of the CIA, on global challenges confronting the U.S. intelligence and broader national security communities. The conversation will include a live Q&A session with Yale student attendees, which will be aired on the podcast. The conversation will be moderated by ISS Executive Director Ted Wittenstein.
Morell served as the deputy director and twice as acting director from 2010 to 2013. He previously served as the director for intelligence, the Agency’s top analyst, the executive director, the CIA’s top administrator, and the daily intelligence briefer to President George W. Bush, who he briefed on September 11, 2001. For his work, Morell has been awarded the Presidential Rank Award, the nation’s highest honor for civilian service, and the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the CIA’s highest honor, for his role in the 2011 Bin Ladin operation. Since retiring from the Agency in 2013, Morell has worked as a Senior Counselor to Beacon Global Strategies, where he chairs the Geopolitical Risk practice.
Makridis served as the Chief Operating Officer from 2018 to 2022, concluding a 37-year career at the Agency. He previously served as the Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology, the Director of the Weapons and Counter Proliferation Mission Center, the head of the Agency’s worldwide nuclear threat analysis, and the daily intelligence briefer for President George W. Bush. He began his career as a graduate fellow in the Directorate of Science and Technology, spent four years in the Directorate of Operations, and over a decade in the Directorate of Intelligence. For his work, Makridis has been awarded the Presidential Rank Award three times, the CIA Intelligence Medal, and the Director’s award three times. Since retiring from the Agency in 2022, Makridis has worked as a Senior Fellow at the Jackson School and a Senior Counselor to Beacon Global Strategies.
This event is open to the Yale community. Please register in advance.
Open To:
Alumni, Faculty, Graduate and Professional, Staff, Students, Undergraduate, Yale Postdoctoral TraineesCategories:
Film and Media Screenings, International Security Studies, Jackson, Law, Politics and Society, Science and Technology, Talks and Lectures
International Security StudiesPhone: 203-432-1912