Investigative Technologies and the Law Enforcement Privilege
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: 46 Hillhouse
Cost: Free but register in advance104
46 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven CT 06511
Join the Schmidt Program for a talk by Rebecca Wexler, Hoessel-Armstrong Professor of Law at UC Berkeley Law School, where she is also Faculty Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology.
Wexler’s teaching and research focus on data, technology, and secrecy in the criminal legal system. Her scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in the Harvard Law Review, Stanford Law Review, Michigan Law Review, NYU Law Review, UCLA Law Review, Texas Law Review, Vanderbilt Law Review, Yale Law Journal Forum, and Berkeley Technology Law Journal, as well as in peer-reviewed computer science publications.
Her scholarly theories have thrice been proposed for codification into federal law and litigated in multiple courts, including a cert petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. She has been invited to testify before both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House Judiciary Committees. Her Op-Eds have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Monthly, and Slate, and her work has been featured on NPR, among other media venues.
Wexler served as senior policy advisor at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Spring, 2023, and as the James S. Carpentier Visiting Professor of Law at Columbia Law School in Fall, 2023.
She will discuss her forthcoming article “Law Enforcement Privilege.” This event is open to the Yale community. Seating is limited. Please register in advance.
Open To:
Alumni, Faculty, Graduate and Professional, Staff, Students, Undergraduate, Yale Postdoctoral TraineesCategories:
Classes, Demonstrations and Workshops, Jackson, Law, Politics and Society, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
Jackson School of Global AffairsPhone: 203-432-6253