The Colloquium in International Security Studies: Zaynab Quadri
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: 46 Hillhouse
Cost: Free but register in advance104
46 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven CT 06511
The Fall 2024 Colloquium in International Security Studies continues with a presentation by Henry Chauncey ‘57 Postdoctoral Fellow Zaynab Quadri. An interdisciplinary scholar of the U.S. in the World, Quadri will present “Democracy vs Security: Confronting the U.S. Security State from Above and Below, 1969-1976.”
Drawing on under-utilized government and activist archival collections, this article excavates a neglected history of public political confrontation with the hidden infrastructures of militarism and corporate power between 1969 and 1976. It traces how Americans mobilized their communities “from below” to demand substantive answers to difficult questions about the costs of national security; and how U.S. lawmakers also mobilized “from above,” responding to and reifying this engaged public by metabolizing its calls for accountability into revised institutional structures of oversight.
This event is hosted by the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and open to the Yale community. Lunch will be provided. Registered participants will receive the reading materials in advance.
Open To:
Alumni, Faculty, Graduate and Professional, Staff, Students, Undergraduate, Yale Postdoctoral TraineesCategories:
Arts and Humanities, Colloquia and Symposia, Jackson, Law, Politics and SocietySponsor:
Brady-Johnson Program in Grand StrategyContact:
Jackson School of Global AffairsPhone: 203-432-6253