Person Type: GHS Courses and Competencies

Which competencies do I meet through my major? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
Which competencies do I meet through my major?
If I am a double major, do I still need to take four non-overlapping electives? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
If I am a double major, do I still need to take four non-overlapping electives?
Can I change which competencies I count a particular course toward? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
Can I change which competencies I count a particular course toward?
Can I use study abroad courses to count toward competency areas? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
Can I use study abroad courses to count toward competency areas?
Can I take a class Credit/D/Fail and count it for the competency area? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
Can I take a class Credit/D/Fail and count it for the competency area?
If I have already taken courses listed on the recommended course list before being accepted to the program, can I count them toward the competency areas? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
If I have already taken courses listed on the recommended course list before being accepted to the program, can I count them toward the competency areas?
Can one course count for two competencies? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
Can one course count for two competencies?
How do I know if a course I’d like to take meets a certain competency area? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
How do I know if a course I’d like to take meets a certain competency area?
For the competency areas, do I need to meet all six? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
For the competency areas, do I need to meet all six?
What are global health competencies? Thumbnail
December 21, 2020 by mfarrell
What are global health competencies?