Agnes Sjöblad is a junior in Branford College studying political theory under the umbrella of the humanities. Having moved from Sweden to Yale in search of a "broad liberal arts education," she is committed to balancing her studies at the intersection of the social sciences and the humanities. She is particularly interested in religion and politics, normative democratic theory, international law, and human rights — areas that she explores in an interdisciplinary way, such as bringing art historical conceptions about “reality” to bear on Citizen’s Assemblies. Agnes’s recent summer internship at International Bridges to Justice in Geneva, role as a student liaison with the Greenberg World Fellows Program, and participation in the Student Citizen’s Assembly Team reflect her commitment to understanding how the democratic theories that she studies apply in practice. On campus, Agnes also reviews fiction for The Yale Review, leads orientation programs for international students, and (soon) gives guided tours on James McNeill Whistler and climate change at the Yale Center for British Art.