Caroline Finley Dill is a second-year student at Yale’s Jackson School, pursuing an MPP in Global Affairs. She was commissioned as a naval officer with the United States Naval Academy Class of 2022, graduating with a BS in Political Science with Honors and a minor in the German language. She is one of 20 members of her class to pursue immediate graduate education through the Officer Scholarship Program. 

At Jackson, her research focuses on international security studies and grand strategy, with special emphasis on the transatlantic partnership. She is a member of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and is a 2022-23 Kerry Fellow. While at the Naval Academy, she served as the director of the 2022 Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, the largest undergraduate foreign affairs conference in the United States, themed “Partnership in the 21st Century: Aligning Values and Interests in a Multipolar World.” Much of her current work is inspired by her time in the Secretary of the Navy’s International Affairs division at the Pentagon, as well as her recent time spent at the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, as a member of the Political Section.

After completing her graduate studies, she will continue her naval service and hopes to take advantage of the unique military-diplomatic role of naval officership. After her time on active duty concludes, she looks forward to continuing her work in public service in the foreign policymaking sphere.