Charles Bégué Fawell is a historian of European imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries and its legacies in the contemporary world. With a focus on France and the French Empire, his research examines the interimperial politics of global shipping and its intersection with histories of migration and mobility, racialized labor, colonial capitalism, and security states. His book project reinterprets the rise and fall of the modern French Empire from the vantage point of the shipping highways linking Europe to the Indo-Pacific via the Suez Canal. While scholars have tended to describe such corridors as pipelines of imperial power, the book argues that these routes were in fact borderlands where empire was contested and remade. At the Jackson School, Charles is working with Paul Kennedy to develop the Maritime and Naval Studies Program. Before coming to Yale, Charles was a Social Sciences Teaching Fellow at the University of Chicago where he earned a PhD in history with distinction in 2021.