George Ngoh is an MPP student at the Jackson School of Global Affairs who served six years as a U.S. Army logistics officer in Germany prior to enrolling at Yale. While abroad, he planned, led, and managed dozens of critical tactical, operational, and strategic level logistics missions throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Additionally, George served as an advisor and liaison to several allied forces, as well as in a military diplomatic capacity, with Poland to support the Ukrainian military in its war with Russia. He also undertook responsibilities outside of his field including support for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, when he led the U.S. Army’s linguist team in Germany and served as the deputy commander for an Afghan evacuee camp.

At Jackson, George intends to leverage his language skills and diverse professional and personal experience to deepen his study of U.S. security and foreign policy, China, and sub-Saharan Africa. He is particularly interested in exploring the intersection of military strategy and diplomatic relations, economic development, and international institutions.

A Virginia native with a passion for languages and international relations, George earned a bachelor’s degree in Chinese (Mandarin) from the United States Military Academy at West Point. There, he studied abroad at Peking University in Beijing and interned at both the Center for Naval Analyses and the Department of Veterans Affairs.