Joshua Li envisions a future in which humanity’s ventures beyond Earth are steered by equitable governance and strategic foresight. Informed by his experiences as the eldest sibling in an immigrant family — where juggling sparse resources and family responsibilities taught him the art of achieving large ends with limited means — he further refined his adaptive mindset as an oarsman on the U.S. National Rowing Team, where international competition demanded nimble tactics to leverage his lightweight build. Informed by his academic grounding in astrophysics, data science, and global affairs, Joshua's collaborations with entities such as the U.S. Space Force, State of Illinois, and NASA address emerging 21st-century phenomena — from artificial intelligence to multinational partnerships — to cultivate a cosmic sphere where opportunity is not exploited by unsustainable monopolization. By melding these disciplines and experiences, he aspires to transform any prospective endeavor in new domains to be for “the province of all mankind” through innovative, ingenious methods. As he refines both his everyday problem-solving and long-term vision, Joshua believes that space is far more than a new frontier; it is an evolving sphere of human potential that, if guided by just principles, can uplift individuals and nations alike in truly transformative ways.