Juan Luis Salinas is a second-year MPP student passionate about politics. At Jackson, he is pursuing a degree to strengthen his skills and knowledge to promote progressive politics worldwide, especially in Latin America.

With a versatile background, Juan Luis boasts valuable experience in various fields and countries. In politics, he most recently spent his summer internship in Uruguay, helping in the country's presidential campaign for Frente Amplio. Prior to Jackson, he worked at the Liberal Party of Canada, coordinating the involvement of Federal Ministers in partisan political events and fundraisers. Before that, he established a political consultancy firm in Peru, where he directed and advised on political campaigns, leading to the election of a congresswoman. In international development, Juan Luis worked as an economic development consultant for three years. During this time, he worked extensively with diverse groups of small and indigenous producers in Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil. His projects focused on crafting commercial strategies to bolster their income, enhance livelihoods, and foster sustainable growth. He has also worked for the Prime Minister's Office for Reconstructing the Peruvian North and for the Ministry of Industry. Notably, Juan Luis was instrumental in designing the "Your Company" national policy, a program that has formalized over 9,000 SMEs and provided consultancy services to 37,000 businesses.

Originally from Peru, he holds a bachelor's degree in business from Universidad del Pacífico and a master's degree in political science and international relations from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, where he earned the top position in his class. He is a native Spanish speaker and is also proficient in English.