Lucy Gilchrist is a BA/MPH student at the Yale School of Public Health. She is intrigued by how epidemics tend to act as catalysts in societies, sharpening behavioral patterns, betraying deeply-rooted social imbalances, and illuminating latent or developing tendencies. She is particularly interested in what the anatomy of political systems can tell us about a state’s ability to adapt to the challenges posed by disease and its associated discontents. Lucy is an intern for the Center for Advanced Pathogen Threat and Response Simulation, where she conducts research to develop a pandemic simulation that can be used as a tool for policy-making. She also serves as a research assistant for the Yale Institute for Global Health on global collaborations with UNICEF and Meta that seek to determine and address the root causes of misinformation in the COVID ‘infodemic’. In addition, Lucy works for the Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, edits the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, serves as current Managing Editor for the Yale Historical Review, sings with the Yale Slavic Chorus, and leads first-year outdoor orientation trips with FOOT.