Mattie Webb is a Kissinger Visiting Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. She is also an affiliate with Rhodes University’s Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit in South Africa. A historian of the U.S. and southern Africa, Mattie’s research explores the history of the anti-apartheid movement by considering the impact of U.S. business reform on South African workers, particularly those employed by U.S. multinationals.
At Yale, Mattie is currently working on her book manuscript, “Diplomacy at Work: Transnational Labor and South African Workers Against Apartheid.” Under advanced contract with Columbia University Press, “Diplomacy at Work” places South African workers and trade unionists at the center of global narratives of empire, U.S. foreign policy, and labor and race relations. Mattie’s work has appeared in Enterprise & Society, Cold War History, and The Washington Post, among other outlets. She received her Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where her work was funded by a Fulbright fellowship.