Originally from Cincinnati, Soham Basu is an MPP student at the Jackson School. Before Jackson, Soham was the lead analyst at Atlas Organization, a consulting firm specializing in U.S.-China economic competition. He worked with clients from the technology, manufacturing, and finance sectors on global business strategies. Prior to joining Atlas, Soham was in India as a Boren Scholar studying South Asian languages and researching regional connectivity at Brookings India (now the Center for Social and Economic Progress). Soham completed his BA at Dartmouth College with a focus on government and South Asian history. At Jackson, his master’s thesis topic explores the relationship between foreign policy crises and domestic national elections.
Upon graduation, Soham will join the U.S. Foreign Service as a Thomas R. Pickering Fellow. He spent the summer of 2022 with the Crisis Management and Strategy Office in the State Department Operations Center and the summer of 2023 with the U.S. Embassy in Singapore in the Economic/Political section. Soham speaks Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, French and is learning Mandarin.