Walid Mohammad is an MPP student at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. His interests include human rights and development issues, humanitarian diplomacy, and climate diplomacy. Before Yale, he worked in the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh as a career diplomat in the country’s capital. He worked in the United Nations Wing and the Administration Wing of the Ministry. At the Administration Wing, he pioneered the first-ever human resources management system for the country’s foreign service. During his tenure at the United Nations Wing, he drafted policy papers related to Bangladesh's engagement with all the UN bodies; prepared proposals concerning Bangladesh's position on resolutions tabled in UN bodies, and political decisions on Bangladesh's engagement in UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding as well as international Human Rights Issues. He was also extensively engaged in Bangladesh’s role in sheltering the Rohingya people of Myanmar and in cooperating with the international accountability mechanisms (ICJ, ICC, etc) that are currently functional. His portfolio also included working as the election officer overseeing Bangladesh's engagement in elections held in different Intergovernmental Bodies. He was a member of the Bangladesh delegation to the 76th UNGA High-Level week, 60th NAM Ministerial, and 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial and represented Bangladesh in various meetings at different regional and international forums.
Walid holds a Bachelor’s in computer science and engineering from BUET, Bangladesh’s top engineering school. He was awarded the Syed Muazzem Ali Memorial Award for being the best all-around trainee diplomat during his foundational diplomatic training in Bangladesh Foreign Service.