Kissinger Visiting Scholars

Sean Case

Sean Case Thumbnail
Kissinger Visiting Scholar

Sean Case is a Henry A. Kissinger Visiting Scholars Postdoctoral Fellow with the Jackson School of Global Affairs. He is an interdisciplinary scholar who bridges modern American political and intellectual history and international relations.

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Ruoyu Li

Ruoyu Li Thumbnail
Kissinger Visiting Scholar

Ruoyu Li is the Henry A. Kissinger Predoctoral Fellow at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. Her research brings together critical international relations, Pacific and indigenous studies, and STS to interrogate nuclear violence.

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Natalie Shibley

Natalie Shibley Thumbnail
Henry A. Kissinger Visiting Associate Research Scholar

Natalie Shibley is a Henry A. Kissinger Visiting Associate Research Scholar at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. She is a historian writing a manuscript about race, homosexuality investigations, and notions of disease in the U.S. military from the 1940s to 1990s.

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Mattie Webb

Mattie Webb Thumbnail
Kissinger Visiting Scholar

Mattie Webb is a Kissinger Visiting Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jackson School of Global Affairs. A historian of the U.S. and southern Africa, Mattieā€™s research explores the history of the anti-apartheid movement by considering the impact of U.S. business reform on South African workers, particularly those employed by U.S. multinationals.

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