Fellowships, Awards and Funding Opportunities

Post-doctoral Fellowship

The Schmidt Visiting Scholar is a post-doctoral position funded by the Schmidt Program, typically for a two-year term. We seek to attract outstanding junior scholars from around the globe whose work addresses questions relevant to the program. Post-doctoral fellows must have completed their PhD degree to begin the fellowship. They are expected to use their time at Yale to conduct original research and prepare manuscripts for publication.

The Schmidt Visiting Scholar also assists in the development and management of programmatic activities that advance the reach and scope of the Schmidt Program. Roughly half of the Visiting Scholar’s time is devoted to program development; the other half to their own scholarship.

The Schmidt Program will advertise and accept applications for the Visiting Scholar position in Fall 2025 for a term that will begin in the Fall 2026. Check back here for more information in Fall 2025.

Funding for Student-Organized On-Campus Activities & Events

We welcome applications for funding from Yale students, both undergraduate and graduate, who wish to organize events (guest speakers, panel discussions, conferences, etc.) on the Yale campus. To be considered, proposed activities must be aligned with at least one of the Schmidt Program’s priority research areas. Preference is given to student organizers who are involved in the Schmidt Program, either by taking a Schmidt-affiliated class or regularly attending Schmidt workshops or events. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Funding is capped at $300 and can be used for such things as speaker travel or catering.

To apply, please fill out this application. Please send any questions to schmidtAI@yale.edu.

Student Awards for Travel and Research

The Schmidt Program offers funding to offset the cost of student travel and research. Yale undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. The travel or research must be directly aligned with one of the Schmidt Program’s priority research areas. Preference is given to students who are involved in the Schmidt Program, either by taking a Schmidt-affiliated class or regularly attending Schmidt workshops or events. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Funding is capped at $500.

To apply, please apply here. Please send any questions to schmidtAI@yale.edu.