Research Results


The New Authoritarianism in Public Choice” by David Froomkin  and Ian Shapiro, Political Studies, 2021.

Political Parties in the New Politics of Insecurity” by Christian Salas, Frances Rosenbluth, and Ian Shapiro, Who Gets What?: The New Politics of Insecurity (2021): 237.

Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity” by Frances McCall Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir,‎ Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Political Parties and Public Policy” by Christian Salas, Frances McCall Rosenbluth, and Ian Shapiro, NOMOS LXIII: Democratic Failure (2020).

Working Papers

Incumbent Strategy with Endogenous Valuations and Party Discipline” by Christian Cox and Ian Shapiro, 2022.

On political parties” by Ian Shapiro, 2022.

Party Discipline in Elections and Latent Policy Ideals” by Christian Cox and Ian Shapiro, 2022.

Seat Safety and Female (Under) representation in the US Congress” by Akhil Rajan, Alexander Kustov, Maikol Cerda, Frances Rosenbluth, and Ian Shapiro, 2021

The Rise of Safe Seats and Party Indiscipline in the U.S. Congress” by Alexander Kustov, Maikol Cerda, Akhil Rajan, Frances Rosenbluth, and Ian Shapiro, 2021.

Party Institutions and Social Welfare” by Maikol Cerda, Alexander Kustov, Frances Rosenbluth, and Ian Shapiro, 2020.