Agni Mishra MA ‘18 currently works with the Ontario Cabinet in Toronto where he is responsible for advancing Ontario/Canada-U.S. relations by advising the Ontario leadership on policy and advocacy as it concerns the U.S. Prior to his current role and since graduating from the Jackson School, Agni worked across the U.S. and Canada at the intersection of public policy, finance, and global affairs, helping organizations navigate through complex U.S. and global policy developments while strengthening advocacy efforts vis-a-vis key policymakers and corporate leaders.

Prior to Jackson, Agni's global policy experience included working with Global Affairs Canada to advance Sino-Canadian relations with the Canadian consulate in Shanghai, China. He then worked with the Government of Alberta to advance Alberta's market access to Asian economies, strengthen Alberta's immigration policy framework, and augment Alberta's sustainable energy program by contributing to policy development in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

At Jackson, Agni undertook a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum focusing on global diplomacy, finance and economics, leadership, grand strategy, and courses on Asian economies such as China and India. He briefly interned for the Brookings Institution where he advanced the foreign policy department's Asia-oriented research and engagement efforts.

Q & A

We sat down with Agnivesh Mishra in 2022 View